Five members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who are witnesses in the “Ahmadiyya Mosque Vandalism” case have asked the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) in Bandung for protection. The attack on the An-Nasir Mosque was carried out by the members of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) on 25 October 2012 in Bandung, Indonesia.
The five members of the Ahmadiyah community have also asked the LBH to object the action by the presiding judge who headed the trial of Ahmadiyya Mosque vandalism case at the Bandung District Court (PN).
During a press conference held at Bandung LBH office a member of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Indonesia Yora Setia Pratama said:
Ahmadiyya Witness“We objected to the discriminative action of the judge on 10th and 15th January 2013. The head of the panel of judges, Sinung Hermanwan, asked Ahmadiyya’s witness to take oath according to the religion that is written on KTP (citizen card), which is Islam. Yet during the trial, members of FPI shouted that Ahmadiyah is not Islam. Due to the insistence of the FPI members, the judge finally took oath under non-Islamic rites, not under Islamic holy book Quran.”
Yora said that he and his four colleagues from Ahmadiyya Muslim Community also received intimidation in the form of insults and mocks while entering the courtroom.
“We feel the judge and prosecutors did not protect us as witnesses. We feel insecure and uncomfortable so we asked for protection from LBH to continue our objections,” said Yora.

Bandung LBH representative, Unung Nur Alamsah, said the plea by members of the Ahmadiyya will be followed up by reporting the judges and prosecutors, who tried the case, to the Judicial Commission and Prosecutorial Commission.
We have video evidence from the hearing that took place on 10th and 15th January 2013. The video clearly shows that judges and prosecutors were affected by “requests” from the public, said Unung.
The case of Ahmadiyya mosque vandalism by members of FPI, is now entering the third trial.