Two young supporters of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders have launched a web app to lobby Superdelegates. Currently, Hillary Clinton is leading the delegate race with 525 super delegates but Aleeza and Shabnam Ahmed from Maryland plan to change that.

Aleeza Ahmed

Aleeza, 12 and Shabnam Ahmed, 20 contacted a local IT company and requested permission to use their webs address The company ran a similar campaign in 2008 to allow Democrats to lobby Super Delegates when the Democratic nomination was very close. After securing the web address for their hybrid app the young Bernie supporters compiled a list of super delegates and reached out to local IT professionals to help them launch the app.

“We hope that our tool will make it easier for Democratic voters to express their views and be more engaged in the political process.”

Aleeza and Shabnam say that delegates from states where Senator Sanders performed well, should switch their support from Secretary Clinton.